Survey of my life 所長日記。8月19日より、東京京橋アートスペース羅針盤で、企画展をしていただきます。 | 中風美術研究所 | 岐阜の美大・芸大受験予備校
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Survey of my life 所長日記。8月19日より、東京京橋アートスペース羅針盤で、企画展をしていただきます。

Survey of my life



I do a survey of my life. I am thinking about where my art expression goes. When I seek the motives of my creation in the experiences and information of people who are not me, it is me who will accept them, so again, all perceptions and feelings pass through my body and mind, so they can be said to be mine. However, no matter how literary and artistic works of people who are not me move and impress me, it is only a secondary experience unless it is something I have experienced and expressed. My way of life may not be as entertaining and suggestive as the author who produced the excellent works already published. However, I have been created based on DNA designed to be homo sapiens sapiens, in natural, or in the midst of the formation of this world. As a result, my brain is pushed into the skull and indirectly informed about the outside world and others from the sense organs such as eyes, nose, ears and skin that are facing outward ,because I can only guess by relying on the ability of the sense organ, therefore I survey myself, not a stranger or the outside world where the feeling gets thinner as the distance gets farther.

Ten years ago, a budget examiner was heavily reported by the media saying, “Is that not good as the second place?” in front of a television camera. The purpose was to reduce the huge tax on the development of the world’s best supercomputer. It is completely different from what the mass media treated as having a problem, but I asked an acquaintance familiar with computers if it was hard to make the fastest computer in the world, but he says it is possible to connect as many good PCs in parallel as possible. I asked an acquaintance familiar with computers if it was difficult to make the world’s fastest supercomputer, but he says it is possible to connect as many good PCs in parallel as possible. However, considering the power consumption of each unit and the equipment of the cooling device, it is far more expensive than making one super computer, and it is not realistic at all. There were many kinds of new human beings, such as Neanderthals also existed on the ground until several thousand years, but now there is only homo sapiens sapiens. Other species are extinct, but why did we survive? It is because we were able to carry the FOXP2 gene due to a mutation in the middle of evolution. We, Homo sapiens sapiens, have less brain ability compared to Neanderthals, and although the specs of each person are low, the FOXP2 gene enables them to communicate with each other as a group. Unlike human beings other than Homo sapiens, we have made scientific progress, therefore just because I survey my life does not mean that I can not turn away from the people around me and the surrounding information. I take in the result of such various communication honestly and survey the result that it became my blood and flesh, which became my own



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